1. Dissemination lead

    Needs Assessment Report now available

    The European Consortium is glad to inform you that the Needs Assessment Report, developed in the framework of WP4, is now available on the Euregenas website. The Technische Universität Dresden is the leader of WP4 and has created a report with the purpose to carry out a needs assessment, which...
  2. Christiane Hillger

    Perspectiva jurídica de la relación entre farmacoterapia antidepresiva y suicidio

    Juridical perspective of the relation between farmacoterapia antidepressing and suicide Barrio Flores, Luis Fernando Spain Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. 2001 no.80, p.37-54 Analysis of the derived liability of the own damages or at third that have their origin in the pharmacological treatment with antidepressants. Análisis de la responsabilidad derivada de...
  3. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide

    La eutanasia y el suicidio médicamente asistido Royes, Albert Spain Psicooncología. Revista Interdisciplinar de Investigación y Clínica Biopsicosocial en Oncología 2008 5(2-3): 323-337 Physician-assisted suicide, like euthanasia, embraces several ways of putting an end to someone’s own life, in certain circumstances. When the action is carried out by the own...
  4. Autolytic and parasuicide conduct: Sociodemographic characteristics in children and youth population of rural ambience

    Conducta autolítica y parasuicida: Características sociodemográficas en población infantojuvenil de ámbito rural Venceslá Martínez, José Fernando and Moriana Elvira, Juan Antonio Spain Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. (2002) no.84, p.49-64 This study described the social-demography factors and formal characteristics associated to the suicidal attempts in childhood and adolescent population of rural...
  5. Suicidal ideation, psychiatric disorder, and medical illness in a community epidemiological study

    Ideation suicida, trastorno psiquiátrico, y enfermedad médica en un estudio epidemiológico en la comunidad Gili-Planas, M.; Roca-Bennasar, M.; Ferrer-Perez, V. Spain Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2001 Summer;31(2):207-13. Many epidemiological studies have analyzed suicidal ideation in clinical samples, but only a few have been performed in the general population. We present...
  6. Psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in pre-adolescents

    Factores psicológicos y de familia asociados con la ideation suicida en preadolescentes Vinas, F.; Canals, J.; Gras, M. E. Spain Span J Psychol. 2002 May;5(1):20-8. To assess the psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in pre-adolescent children, we studied a sample of 361 students, average age 9 years...
  7. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the risk for suicidality in adolescents: an update

    Inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina y el riesgo de conductas suicidas en adolescentes: una actualización Giner, L.; Nichols, C. M.; Zalsman, G. Spain Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):211-20. The controversy regarding Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and suicidality dates back to the early 1990s. The first...
  8. Impulsive-aggressive traits and suicidal adolescents and young adults with alcoholism

    Rasgos impulsivos-agresivos y características suicidas de adolescentes y jóvenes adultos con alcoholismo Carballo, J. J.; Oquendo, M. A.; Giner, L. Spain Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2006 Jan-Mar;18(1):15-9. Suicidal behavior and alcohol use disorders among adolescents and young adults are serious public health problems. In the study of suicidal behavior...

About The Project

The Euregenas Project has received funding from the European Union under the Public Health Programme 2008-2013. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author and the Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

What is Euregenas?

The Euregenas project brings together 11 regions with diverse experiences in suicide prevention with the aim to contribute to the prevention of suicidality in Europe through the development and implementation of strategies for suicide prevention at regional level that can be of use to the European Community as examples of good practice.
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