The XI ENMESH (European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation) International Conference was held in Málaga (Spain) from 1 to 3 October 2015. The event addressed the issue “Closing the gap between research and policy in mental health” and followed four thematic tracks: 1. Global mental health; 2. From epidemiological research to clinical implementation; 3. Closing the gap between psychiatric care and primary care; 4. Mental health during an economic crisis.
Five plenary sessions were held by 10 experts from 7 different countries (Canada, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Portugal and Spain). In addition, 47 symposia and more than 200 oral presentations were given: new models of mental health care services were presented, with an eye to integrate mental health research and mental health policy.
Suicide prevention was addressed on the second day and Evelyn Huizing (Servicio Andaluz de Salud - SAS; Euregenas Associated Partner), co-chair of this section, made a presentation on the “Cross sector approach of suicide prevention: the Regional Network for suicide prevention in the province of Malaga, Spain”.
The presentation is available here.
For more information on the Conference you can visit the ENMESH website.