What is it?
The literature review, as part of the online library, provides a comprehensive up to date overview of the current situation in the European Union regarding suicide prevention.
How was it developed?
Fourteen Euregenas project partners were responsible to look for country specific literature on the topic of suicide. According to guidelines, including structural requirements, literature of eleven partner regions was selected. Scientific literature as well as grey literature was included in the search.
Who is it for?
On the one hand the literature will serve as basis for the different work packages of the Euregenas project and on the other hand the literature is available for stakeholders who play a key role in the area of suicide prevention as well as for people who are interesting in this topic.
What is the aim?
The aim of the literature review was to get an overview of the following issues in the different partner regions: E-mental health, prevention and awareness raising strategies, training for general practitioners and support groups for suicide survivors. Only for these topics the literature review was prepared.
Helping the bereaved from a traumatic death: The De Leo Fund Network. In D. Capozza e I. Testoni (eds) Proceedings of the Conference Before death: interdisciplinary paths from research to palliative intervention.
“Un aiuto ad un lutto per morte traumatica : La rete DeLeo Fund” . In D. Capozza e I. Testoni... -
Suicide prevention strategies and mental disorders
Strategie di prevenzione del suicidio e disturbi mentali Barbui C., Tansella M. Italy 2009 In the present issue of Epidemiologia... -
The suicide and its prevention
Il suicidio e la sua prevenzione Tatarelli R., Pompili M. Italy 2008 The book provides an overview of suicide phenomenon... -
The suicide prevention
La prevenzione del suicidio Pompili M. Italy 2013 The book shows clearly and comprehensively how feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and... -
Crisis center. The attempted suicide in adolescence
Crisis center. Il tentato suicidio in adolescenza Pietropolli Charmet G. Italy 2004 The book illustrates the topic of attempted suicide... -
The metamorphosis of suffering. After the suicide of a family member.
La metamorfosi della sofferenza. Dopo il suicidio di un familiare. Loperfido A., Irti R. Italy 2005 The book deals... -
Suicide risk. Prevention and integrated treatment in helping relationship.
Rischio suicidio. Prevenzione e trattamento integrato nelle relazioni d'aiuto. Giusti E.,Bruni F.,Pompili M. Italy 2009 The book describes the risk... -
The courage of pain… after the suicide of the son.
Il coraggio del dolore… dopo il suicidio del proprio figlio. Casavecchia S., Loperfido A. Italy 2009 The book is about... -
Turning Points : An Extraordinary Journey into the Suicidal Mind
Un’altra vita. Un viaggio straordinario nella mente di un suicida De Leo D. Italy 2010 Essential reading for anyone who... -
Suicide prevention in Spain: an uncovered clinical need
Prevención del suicidio en Espan ̃a: una necesidad clínica no resuelta Saiz, P. A., Bobes, J. Spain Rev Psiquiatr Salud...