Mobile aplication about suicide

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Mobilna aplikacija o samomoru

Ozara – Nacionalno združenje za kakovost življenja – National Association for Quality of Life



Free mobile application for the so-called Smartphones with Android operating system. It also provides an animated movie that the phone screen turns into a burning candle.

Brezplačna mobilna aplikacija za t.i. pametne telefone z Android operacijskim sistemom. Poleg tega vsebuje tudi animirani filmček, ki zaslon telefona spremeni v gorečo svečko.

The aim is to identify risk factors for suicide and warning signs, as well as assistance in a variety of ways-threatening situations. The application also contains information about the services and the most common facts about suicide and its prevention.

Namen je prepoznava dejavnikov tveganja za samomor in opozorilnih znakov, kakor tudi načini pomoči v različnih ogrožujočih situacijah. Aplikacija vsebuje tudi podatke o službah pomoči ter najpogostejša dejstva o samomoru in njegovem preprečevanju.

Target group: whole population

Of relevance for WP5, WP7,

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About The Project

The Euregenas Project has received funding from the European Union under the Public Health Programme 2008-2013. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author and the Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

What is Euregenas?

The Euregenas project brings together 11 regions with diverse experiences in suicide prevention with the aim to contribute to the prevention of suicidality in Europe through the development and implementation of strategies for suicide prevention at regional level that can be of use to the European Community as examples of good practice.
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