The Online library, under Literature review and Best practices, provides a comprehensive and up to date overview of the current situation in the European Union regarding suicide prevention. Fourteen Euregenas project partners were responsible to look for country specific literature and best practices on the topic of suicide. According to guidelines, including structural requirements, literature and best practices from eleven partner regions were selected. Scientific literature as well as grey literature was included in the search.
The online library will serve as basis for the different work packages of the Euregenas project. The database is also available for stakeholders who play a key role in the area of suicide prevention as well as for people who are interesting in this topic.
The online library provides an overview of the issues in the different partner regions: E-mental health, prevention and awareness raising strategies, training for general practitioners and support groups for suicide survivors.
How to use the Online library
To view the whole database, select either Literature reviews or Best Practices. Then choose a category (right-side column of the page) or use the search engine. While only one category can be selected at a time, the search engine will allow you to perform more advanced filtering (e.g. searching “Spain”, “Adolescents” and “WP7” will result in 18 literature reviews and one best practice with these keywords). For best search results please copy and paste the appropriate combination of key words in the search field. The literature review and best practices are marked with icons of different colours (please view below) to make a clear distinction between them in the search results.