The suicide prevention

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La prevenzione del suicidio

Pompili M.



The book shows clearly and comprehensively how feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and loneliness can lead a person to make extreme choices, like deciding to take his own life. The book aims to help, through the explanation of specific intervention techniques, those professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers) who find themselves  to deal with this complex issue.

Il volume evidenzia in modo chiaro ed esaustivo come sentimenti di disperazione, angoscia e solitudine, possano condurre una persona a compiere scelte estreme, come decidere di togliersi la vita. Il libro si propone di aiutare,  attraverso la spiegazione di  tecniche di intervento specifiche, chi per lavoro (psicologi, psichiatri, assistenti sociali ) si ritrova a dover affrontare una tematica cosi complessa.

Of relevance for WP6.

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About The Project

The Euregenas Project has received funding from the European Union under the Public Health Programme 2008-2013. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author and the Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

What is Euregenas?

The Euregenas project brings together 11 regions with diverse experiences in suicide prevention with the aim to contribute to the prevention of suicidality in Europe through the development and implementation of strategies for suicide prevention at regional level that can be of use to the European Community as examples of good practice.
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